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Jhonyfer Angarita Moreno

Mechatronic Engineer


  • English (Medium)
  • Spanish (Native)


  • Software Development
  • Robotics
  • Automatization
  • DIY Projects

Career Profile

Mechatronic Engineer with software development skills and knowledge for design, build and execute engineering solutions through usage of multiple technologies that requires integration. High adaptability, curious, creative and dynamic personality.


Mechatronic Engineer

2014 - 2020
National University of Colombia

Relevant projects:

  • (2021-1) Develop of a Web Aplication in Angular for remote control for SDV robots - DIMA-UN (Research Group)
  • (2020-2) Research assistant: DIMA-UN (Research Group from UNAL)
  • (2020-2) Grade project: Design of electronics of a mobile robot chasis (SDV).


Research Assistant

2020-1 2021-1
National University of Colombia - DIMA-UN

As a thesis student, I carried out work related to the development of software for mobile robots, Linux server management, robot simulations in realistic environments and tutorials for students of manufacturing process automation.


Projects published as Open Source, academic projects and personal/professional projects.

SDV-UN-Web-App - A single Web Application intended for control a single mobile robot in ExFabLab over local network, using Rosbridge as robot server, mySQL and Apache as webhosting service and Robot Web Tools as client library
phantomx_pincher - A set of packages used in Gazebo (robot simulation software) intended to simulate a PhantomX Pincher (manipulator arm robot) that can be monitored with MATLAB and controlled with a GUI or a Joystick.
SDV-Map-Viewer - Single Web Application designed to be used with multiple mobile robots that uses ROS in ExFabLab as a part of PRIA software packages. Builded in Angular Framework

Skills & Proficiency

Software Tools

Languages: Python, C++, Java, Kotlin, Javascript, Typescript
Platforms, Suites and IDEs: Git, ROS, Nodejs, Angular, Android Studio, Microsoft Office
CAD Programs: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD

Operative Systems

Windows (advanced user)
Linux (advanced user)
MacOs (beginner user)





Javascript & Typescript



C and C++

Autodesk Inventor